Q: How often do you publish the journal?
A: We aim to publish a print issue twice a year. Our first issue is due in August.

Q: Who are you looking to publish?
A: We seek to publish creators of marginalized identities.

Q: When you say “creators of marginalized identities” what do you mean?
A: We are looking for writers and artists who have been marginalized due to their race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, class, and/or disability. We seek to publish and promote queer writers, black writers, writers of color, trans writers, native writers, undocumented writers, disabled writers, impoverished, and incarcerated writers.

Q: How soon can I expect to hear back on my submission?
A: It is our goal to respond within five months you have not heard from us after this period of time, please feel free to inquire through Submittable or email: snarlmagazine@gmail.com