
Editor-in-Chief, Chloe Chun Seim
Chloe Chun Seim’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in LitMag, McNeese Review, North American Review, Yemassee, Hobart, Potomac Review, and others. She holds an MFA from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, and has received the 2021 Anton Chekov Award for Flash Fiction and 2019 Best Heartland Screenplay. Her short story collection, CHURN, was selected as a finalist for the 2021 St. Lawrence Book Award and the 2021 Hudson Prize. Learn more about her at (she/her)

Poetry Editor, Mercedes Lucero
Mercedes Lucero is an Afro-Latinx writer and the author of Stereometry (Another New Calligraphy 2018) and the chapbook, In the Garden of Broken Things (Flutter Press 2016). She is the winner of the Langston Hughes Creative Writing Award for Poetry and her writing can be found in New Ohio Review, Puerto del Sol, The Pinch, Heavy Feather Review, and Fourteen Hills among others. She holds a Ph.D. in English from the University of Kansas and you can see more of her work at (she/her)

Assistant Poetry Editor, Dennison Ty Schultz
Dennison Ty Schultz is a queer writer, instructor, and editor originally from Arkansas. Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in Foglifter, Sycamore Review, Black Warrior Review, Underblong, Split Lip Magazine, New South, Washington Square Review, and DIAGRAM, among others, and it has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and Best New Poets. They were a Durwood Scholar at the University of Missouri–Kansas City and graduated with an MFA in Poetry.

Assistant Prose Editor, Trenna Soderling
Trenna Soderling lives and writes in Kansas City, Missouri. She served as editor-in-chief of the literary magazine Genesis, where her short story Visiting Hours appeared before her staff tenure. She’s worked as an archivist for the London Trades Union Congress Library, writing research guides and articles on the collaborative preservation of working-class histories. A language enthusiast, she holds degrees in creative writing and American Sign Language interpretation from IUPUI. Her zines can be found in bookstores dotted across the country. (she/her)

Art Editor, Connie Fiorella
Connie is a community-based public art organizer, artist, designer, muralist based in Lawrence, KS. Her work reflects her Peruvian heritage where she lived until age ten and focuses on projects that build racial and cultural equity. Some of her murals include “Compartiendo Culturas;” “Sharing Cultures,” with the help of the Carver Dual Language School class of 2019; and “Justicia Para Las Madres Inmigrantes” with Horizontes Project in Wichita, KS. As a community member, Connie has served on the Douglas County Food Policy Council from January 2017 to January 2020 and is currently the Research Intern for the Douglas County Sustainability Office. She is the first Kansas National Association of Latino Arts & Culture ALI Fellow and is a coordinator of the Eastside People’s Intercultural Center (Epicenter).

Past Editors
Nicolas Shump, Nonfiction Editor
Nic Shump teaches online courses in Humanities and Social Sciences for the Hybrid Learning Consortium and English composition courses for UMKC. He has a BA in Comparative Literature, an MA in American Studies, and is entering his second year of the MFA Program in Creative Nonfiction at UMKC. He previously served as the Literary Editor for the Kaw Valley Independent and writes a bimonthly column for the Topeka Capital-Journal. He lives in Lawrence. (He/him)